Catching a sexy fly

I feel like a proud papa. My apprentice Cal, caught a fly. its hard to leave the shop but I needed some good ol’ RnR so I left the boys running the shop. When I came back and started to review the surveillance footage I was happily surprised to see Cal do his thing.


This sexy latina came in to get her grandpas car back and she was short a couple of hundred dollars, she claimed that no one told her about our mandatory 3.5% service fees. But once you sign on the dotted line, a deal is a deal, theres no way she was leaving with the ride with out make some sort of payment. Cal was quick on his feet for the first time in history, and made my kind of offer. I must admit he fucked the shit out of this sexy brunette. Well fellas Enjoy.

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Thank grandma for that ass!

There comes a time in every Pawn Shop owners life in which he or she has to make a choice: make the deal or pass. And when this chick brought in her grandma’s ugly ass old bird statue, i had to pass: until I saw her ass. And obviously things changed cause that booty had me thinking about my “Art of the Deal”.


Rule number one, never let a desperate booty walk out the shop without some dick. Rule numero two, fuck hard and fuck fast. And three, never ever overpay for some ass that you can get at a discount. Theres probably a million more rules, but I have to leave it here boys, so that you can check out how this sexy brunette fucks…Enjoy!

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Pawnstar meets a rockstar

I’ve gone and did it guys, i turned a Rockstar into a Pornstar. Well she ain’t quite a Rockstar, more like a local struggling artist with a guitar and a band, who needed my help. And she ain’t quite a Pornstar until I film her fucking a couple more times, you know what i mean, man. Let me it break it down, this sexy rocker chick needed her car brakes done and all she had was some lame guitars, luckily I was there to provide my special services.


After i convinced her that her stuff wasn’t worth shit, i offered her something better to play, my skin flute. Unfortunately I had to double down and pay her 600 bucks, she only needed 300, but whatever that ass was worth a grand! Things got crazy as soon as i pulled my hog, she sucked a mean dick, tossed my salad and fucked like a champ. Another one in the books guys, oh yea look out for my skills on the old six string..

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Stealing will only get you fucked!

It happened again boys, can you believe it!! This cute spring breaker walked in trying to pull a fast one on me and I had to give her the old Oklahoma 180 Double Banger. Can you imagine my surprise when this little soon to be slut tried to sell a rented scooter,


C’mon on man. Once i caught her in my trap, I gave her the D in exchange for some tickets back home. The tickets weren’t cheap, so i gave my “employee of the week” Cal the chance to get his dick sucked by this whore.   .

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Cashing In!

Apparently my customer lost all of her money in Vegas. Seems like whatever happens in Vegas left her broke. Now she’s trying to pawn 6 expensive purses.


This babe has to be nuts if she thinks I’m going to pay a lot for these used purses. I have something else in mind. I offered her some money for that pussy. Fuck the purses!

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Paying dues to get that ring back!

A happily married blonde walked in looking sexy as fuck. She’s trying to retrieve an engagement ring that was temporarily pawned for a loan and making payments on. Apparently she owes $160 and doesn’t have the money. Which means, no money, no ring. She was embarrassed that she had no money.


To save her the humiliation in front of other customers, I took her back to the office to see what we can work out for her. I asked her if she wants the ring, Let me see some ass! She thought I was a scumbag and went on about how faithful she was to her husband. Apparently she needed the money bad. She got on her knees and sucked my dick good. Had me right! The I fucked that tight pussy good. Man oh man! That pussy was worth it..

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Selling it all, even that ass!

A sexy blonde chick came strolling through my doors. There is a heaven! She wants to get rid of her vintage camera. Darn thing is old but definitely not vintage.


I offered her 100$ just because she’s gorgeous and I want to fuck her. Apparently she’s trying to get money together to pay rent. I figured why not offer her money for all of her jewelry and that fancy bike of hers, but it won’t equal the $800 that she needs. Come and find out what else is up for sale.

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One ring to rule them all

Whats up fuckers, this week I have something real special for ya’ll. Some slutty looking chick came in to my shop trying to sell a ring she had acquired from some fella she had met the night before when she and her girlfriends were out partying and being sluts. Turns out the ring was no ordinary ring, it was a Super Bowl ring and this bitch had taken it from some NFL player that can’t control his liquor.


I know buying items like this is a high risk for me, but i got it at a good price. i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to fuck this slut and get that ring. so i did. and i don’t regret a damn thing! check out the video and tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing. anyway i was happier than a pig in shit. I tell you what that pussy wasn’t that bad either, i like sluts and this one was right on the money! till next time, keep it warm and out of the wind.

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Boom goes the Bass

Whats up fuckers?!? Its that time again, time for another episode of the Pawn shop!  So this week a cute little blond walked in trying to pawn off her deadbeat boyfriend’s subwoofer speaker. She needed the money to go and have a wild girls night out and escape from all the bullshit she has to normally deal with and of course since her boyfriend is a deadbeat He didn’t have money to help her out so she had to sell off one of his old speakers.


I saw this as an opportunity to capitalize on a not so happy girlfriend. they’re usually the easiest to catch slippin and have a one night stand with. I pretended to give a shit about how he doesn’t help with the bills and how lazy he is. I told her if she really needed to enjoy herself that much i would gladly give her some money in exchange for a little something something, if you know what I mean. She was a little hesitant at first but once she caught an eye full of my dick, this girls was on her knees begging to suck my cock.  I tell you what bitches love the dick. there is no if and or but about that! enjoy the video.

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Vinyl Queen!

It’s another beautiful day in the Pawn business. A sexy rocker chick came in with a crate full of vinyls. Once I saw them I knew this was a good buy. There were some classics in there. Apparently her roommate ran out on her without paying her rent and left these gems behind.


I low balled at first but she wasn’t having it. She needed the money and I admit, I was horny. I told her if she sucked my dick I can give her half of what she wanted. After sucking my dick I offered to pay more if she gave up the goods.  We shall see!.

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